Sunday, September 14, 2014

How to Use and Grow a Vick's Plant

While at the nursery, we had come upon this succulent called "Vick's Plant" also known as Plectranthus tomentosa. When we touched it, the strong aroma of Vick's vapor rub filled the air and stuck to our skin - it is a potent, aromatic plant. Intrigued by this, I put it in a self-watering container for my office and put a cute decoration in the container. I also found out it grows like a weed!

One great feature of using this plant is to clear up sinuses naturally. Simply trim some of the top growth from the plant, near a node where two leaves or branches are sprouting (this will ensure thick, dense growth like pinching back basil).  Place the trimmings in a pot of lightly simmering water, and drape a cloth over your head to try and keep the steam towards you, then gently inhale the vapors. You will get the same effect as the rub without all those extra chemicals!

Similar to the trend of hanging eucalyptus in your shower, you can do this with the Vick's plant also. Because the Vick's plant is a succulent, the plant will last for quite some time before you need to replace it.

If you would like to grow this plant, you can do so in a container and also outdoors. It is one of the faster growing and more water loving succulent plants, and is very easy to care for. It is a perennial that can survive temperatures below 20 degrees Fahrenheit in zone 9a. It likes sun or partial shade, and stem cuttings can be propagated easily. As with any succulent, it is easy to overwater the plant but I have found in Colorado, to water it once a week is sufficient.

Next time you are looking for plants, I highly recommend this fuzzy, great smelling succulent!


  1. Hey, Jillie -- I posted a comment, but didn't work so here goes again! I love this blog you have going on and I'm totally interested. Going to see if I can find this plant.

    1. Thanks! Hope you find it, it is really very nice!

  2. I have a good supply of the Vick's plant 760-521-2238

  3. I love this plant. I found mine on eBay last year and it overwintered quite well in my laundry room. I live in St. Louis, Missouri so we have to bring it in for the winter.

    1. I have one growing in a pot outside and it smells just like Vicks Vapor rub. Great for stuffy nose .Sip off a piece and put it in the ground or another pot and it will take off. Nice conversation piece also

  4. Is this plant safe to prepare as a tea and drink?

  5. is this plant good to get rid of biting gnats?
