Today I will have completed my first challenge. My first challenge of ANY kind! 20 yoga classes in 30 days! Everyone who finishes the challenge will be entered into a drawing for prizes but to be honest (and this sounds cheesy), the reward is in deepening my practice, bonding with new people, and unexpected lifestyle changes.
I love to eat fat greasy burgers, nachos, fried chicken, soda, and anything sweet. Without even realizing it, I'm suddenly bringing veggies to work for lunch, opting for vegetarian courses at restaurants, and drinking a lot more water. This has been gradual, I didn't wake up one day with an epiphany and shout to the world - "I'm changing my diet!" I simply noticed that the heavier foods dampened my energy that I worked so hard to build during class that day. I also noticed that caffeine was playing a big role in my anxiety and so I am gradually cutting down caffeine! No doubt that any diet changes are a challenge in itself, but the reward is to FEEL BETTER. Not to mention, a better body and mind!
I used to be a night person and have a hard time waking up in the mornings. I would hit snooze 5 times before moving my body - what reason do I have to get out of bed besides work? Now, although I do still drag a bit getting out of bed, I am able to wake up at 4:30 and go to yoga class. Crazy? Maybe. But the yoga challenge has made me remember commitment, dedication, and most of all - I know going to class will wake me up gently and I get to see the sun rise while meditating to soothing music in a serene space. When I get home I even have time to walk my dog. Remember: the very hardest part about yoga is getting to the studio. Once you are there, that space on the mat is all yours to decompress, to detoxify, to lighten, to awaken, to breathe, to be however you are, whoever you want to be.
These are only a few major benefits (and challenges!) I have noticed in the 2 months of a regular 3-5 day a week practice.
I only re-started yoga as a tool to condition for snowboarding season. One key thing for me to continue was that I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the studio, the friendliness of the staff, and the non-intimidation factor. When I started at this studio, I was unexpectedly given a free month of classes due to an unfortunate circumstance of the teacher not showing up for her 6am class. I saw this as a sign and so I continued through the month. However, snowboarding season was approaching and I didn't want to spend the money for another month - but there was this challenge! And all these workshops! How fun! I had to participate. So I bought an unlimited monthly membership and haven't regretted one bit of it.
So here I am, practicing yoga 4+ times a week, journaling after every practice, making new friends, and improving my lifestyle in unexpected and welcomed ways. Challenging yourself in any way takes courage and you must trust yourself that you are capable. Reward yourself for completing any challenge big or small. Maybe the challenge is to not hit the snooze button. Maybe it is not reaching for that candy bar when you're hungry. Maybe your challenge is to just get through the day. Look for space in your life where you can breathe and soften, and put something in front of you that you know you can conquer - and always reward yourself for acheiving that goal no matter the size. Keep going, keep practicing, keep challenging yourself and your life will be full.
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