Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Celebrate the Fall Equinox

Today is the fall equinox which means day and night are about equal in length around the whole world. Here in the United States, days begin to become shorter and nights become longer. We think about the holidays approaching, the colder weather, and the year ending. Today we celebrate the concept of balance.

Balance is something we would all like to achieve, in one form or another. What is your work-life balance and how can you improve upon that? How is your mental and physical energy balanced? Do you need balancing of your chakras? Do you need more balance in your relationships with others? With your self? How can you keep your energy balanced as the holidays and other obligations approach? Whether you choose re-organizing your schedule, incorporating more physical exercise, changing your diet, or simply waking up a few minutes early, find new ways of balancing aspects of your life and you will see immediate improvement and a sense of refreshment and happiness.

However you wish to do it, celebrate the equinox by working on balancing something in your life, starting today.

1 comment:

  1. OK, again, I balanced my week with canning peaches, tomato soup, salsa; then two 9.5 mile bike rides with a friend; then today cleaning my neglected home! Later I will take a very very looooong bath in bath salts to refresh my very sore body! LOL
